Monday, February 12, 2007


Boy, a lot has changed since that first post in February! I can't believe I started this a year ago. Well, I'm now 33 weeks pregnant and due next month with a baby girl. I want to now start this blog as a way to track my weight loss efforts after the baby is born. Ugh....weight loss. I hate those words. I never struggled with weight until after the birth of my second child. I'm determined to lose the weight after this baby. I weighed in last week at my OB's office at a whopping 182. I hope to get down to anywhere between 120 - 130 within a year after the baby. I plan to start Weight Watchers about 3 months post-partum. Once my incision heals up from the c-section, then I will start my exercise routine. I look forward to running again and will set a goal of running a 5k during the summer.

I can't wait to have the baby! We are all very excited. We have a lot of really cute pink clothes for her. Shelley B. threw me a baby shower last week so that was pretty special.

We're having a really hard time coming up with a baby name.....Anna, Alexandra, Sara, Kayla, Claire.....???? We need to decide soon!!


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