Marrishka's Musings

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gym Challenge

This Monday is the 11th weigh-in for the weightloss challenge I'm doing at the gym. Next Monday is the final weigh-in. I'm a little worried about when this challenge ends. It has really kept me motivated to lose weight because I really like a challenge and also the competion of it all. It kept me thinking week-to-week rather than looking ahead too far and getting too anxious with the weightloss. I know that every Monday I'm going to get weighed in by a trainer so when I'm tempted to eat something I shouldn't, I think about that. I worry that when this contest is over, I'll think that I can eat that temptation because I can always do better the next day (since I won't be getting weighed in weekly). I'll continue to track my weightloss at home but I'm trying to think of something to keep me motivated. I was thinking for every pound I lose, I'll put, say, $5 in a piggy bank and save it for a massage or something like that.

I'm 139 lbs now and I'd love to get down to 125. So, another 14 lbs. I'm sure I'll keep changing my goal weight around, but as of right now, that is what I'm thinking.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Size 8!

I did a little shopping yesterday because all my jeans are super loose on me. I've been in size 12 or 14 (depending on the brand) so yesterday, I grabbed size 10's. They were too big. So then I went to size 8! They fit! I couldn't believe it!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Forgot to add

I forgot to add that I'm super excited to be finally back into the 130's!!!!

Still in!

I'm still in the contest at the gym. 2 more weigh-in's to go to get the club money!! This morning on my home scale, I weighed in at 139 (141.8 on the gym scale). I'm down 3 lbs from last week. I had a "don't care" attitude for most of the week so I was really surprised to see the 3 lb loss. A lot of people are noticing and making comments. It feels so good. I love trying on clothes in my closet that I haven't been able to wear for a while. All my shorts are really lose. I normally hate to wear shorts but this summer, I might actually wear them rather than capris all summer. I can't wait to buy some sundresses! I need to get to 133 to get my BMI into normal range. I'm getting close!!

Monday, March 09, 2009

I weighed in today at 143.8 (144.4 at gym). I'm so freakin' excited. It feels so good to fit into a lot more of the clothes in my closet. My goal is to get down to 130. So, another 13.8. I'm down 12.6 right now. It took me about 2 months to get down the 12.6 so I'm hoping by early May, I'll be at my goal. Then I'm going on a shopping spree! Also, if I win the gym's weightloss contest then I'm hoping to get a massage, maybe a couple personal training sessions and to get back into tennis! I hope I win! 4 more weigh-in's to go!!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Losing weight!!

I'm down 11.6 pounds now! Woohoo. I weighed in at 144.8 lbs on Monday. I'm so thrilled. However, today I didn't do as well with my eating. My dad had hip replacement surgery so I was a little stressed today. I'm such an emotional eater!